Where to find giant porphyry and epithermal gold and copper deposit

  • Lister, Gordon (PI)
  • Armstrong, Richard (CoI)
  • Cant, Greg (CoI)
  • Crispin, Shawn (CoI)
  • Garwin, Steve (CoI)
  • Hall, R. (CoI)
  • McClusky, Simon (CoI)
  • Rawlinson, Nickolas (CoI)
  • Sinclair, James (CoI)
  • Spakman, W (CoI)
  • Suparka, Emmy (CoI)
  • Swagger, Cees (CoI)
  • White, Lloyd (CoI)
  • Widiyantoro, Sri (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


SE Asia is a vast natural laboratory in which we can explore how the tectonic environment controls the location and timing of the emplacement of porphyry and epithermal copper and gold deposits. The youthfulness of known deposits allows connection of still active tectonic processes to effects in the immediate past. The 'virtual exploration toolkit' we produce will aid our industry partners in the application of methodologies we develop, and in the use of 4D tectonic scenarios we predict, to explore in analogous terranes, in this, and other parts of the world, including in ancient examples in which porphyry and epithermal deposits should also form. We will enhance scientific links with SE Asia and better understand the region to our north.
Effective start/end date25/06/1431/12/18


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