越境ã�™ã‚‹åŠ›ï¼šã‚·ãƒ³ã‚¬ãƒ�ールã�®æ—¥å¸¸ã�«ã�Šã�‘る第三ã�®å ´æ‰€ è�¯äºº イスラム教改宗者ã�®äº‹ä¾‹ã�‹ã‚‰ (Power to cross borders between ethnicities in Singapore: through the cases of Chinese Muslim converters)

Yasuko Kobayashi

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Article


    Ethnic groups in Singapore are not mere social, economic and cultural groupings but governing units for the state. These ethnic groups are stipulated as Chinese, Malay, Indian and Others, and social policies are crafted to maintain these four ethnic groups and keep them existing as different groups without mingling. This social structure makes it increasingly difficult to imagine border-crossing between different ethnic groups in Singapores everyday life, although border-crossings unavoidably happen. This article will attempt to investigate such bordercrossings in Singapore, with Chinese Muslim converters as a case in point. It will also attempt to understand hybrid subjects created through border-crossing (Chinese Muslim converters in this case), by deploying Homi Bhabhas idea of the third space.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publication中国研究月報 - Chinese Studies Monthly Report
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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