Étude et restauration des structures archéologiques sur la terre Pererau à Piha'e'ina: (Mo'orea, Archipel de la Société)

Aymeric Hermann, Lee Rurua, Maurice Rurua, Vahine Ahu'ura Rurua, Tamara Maric, Hinanui Cauchois, Guillaume Molle

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The archaeological site of Pererau (Piha'e'ina, Mo'orea, Society Islands) was recently investigated with the objective of preparing the restoration of two particularly disturbed monumental stone platforms, as part of the 're-discovery' of the site organized by the local association Puna Reo. We here present the work completed since 2010 to comprehensively document the remaining architectural features of the site. These observations have led to new hypotheses regarding the morphology and function of the site and have set guidelines and goals for the restoration, which is still in progress. An important aspect of the site is the continuity between its traditional function, a meeting platform, and its intended modern use for the transmission of oral knowledge and history to the youth of the island. Thus, the overarching goal of this project is to facilitate the reappropriation of the local history and restore the architectural structures of the site in order to transmit the local tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the children of Mo'orea.
    Original languageFrench
    Pages (from-to)51-56
    JournalDossier d'Archeologie Polynesienne
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


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