A bimetallic complex spanned by the CeH ligand: Synthesis of [Cl(CO) 2L2RuC=CCH=C=RuL2(η-C5H 5)]PF6 (L = PPh3)

Michael J. Bartlett, Anthony F. Hill*, Matthew K. Smith

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    18 Citations (Scopus)


    The synthesis of the first example of a bime-tallic complex spanned by the C4H alkynylvinylidene ligand, [Cl(CO)2L 2RuC≡CCH=C-RuL2(η-C5H 5]PF6 (L = PPh3), is reported: the reaction of [Ru(CO)2L3] with butadiyne provides [RuH(C≡CC≡ CH)(CO)2L2], which is converted to the chloro derivative [RuCl(C≡CC≡CH)-(CO)2L2] by N-chlorosuccinimide. Subsequent treatment with [Ru(thf)L2(η- C5H5)]PF6 provides [Cl(CO)2L 2RuC≡ CCH=C=RuL2(η-C5H 5)]PF6, deprotonation of which affords [Cl(CO) 2L2RuC≡CC≡CRuL2(η-C 5H5)].

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5795-5798
    Number of pages4
    Issue number24
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2005


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