A Case Study Analysis of the Critical Factors Influencing a Private Land Developer Adopting Water Sensitive Urban Design

K Brookes, Rebekah Brown, P Morrison

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


This paper explores the factors stimulating a private land developer to adopt water sensitive urban design (WSUD) in an urban land development project. Two divergent examples of the adoption of WSUD in land development projects are presented, a greenfield industrial and an infill commercial development, both located in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. Case data was sought from semi-structured interviews with personnel involved in the urban land development project as well as supporting documentation. The interview questions focused on the implementation process and were guided by factors identified from literature in corporate sustainability, and administrative and economic studies as potentially influencing organisational behaviour and change. The research reveals the importance of economic factors at a contextual, organisational and individual level in stimulating adoption. In the case of the infill development, the economic factors were supported by a strong community
expectation for sustainability in commercial developments. In the greenfield case study, the community did not factor in the case of adoption. Rather, regulatory incentives and leadership from stakeholders reduced the risk associated with adopting the WSUD technologies proposed. These insights demonstrate that policy aimed at supporting widespread adoption of WSUD by the private land developer will vary with land development types.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication12th International Conference on Urban Drainage – Porto Alegre, Brazil
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes
Event12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 2011 - Porto Alegre, Brazil
Duration: 11 Sept 201116 Sept 2011
Conference number: 12th


Conference12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 2011
Abbreviated titleICUD 2011
CityPorto Alegre
Internet address


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