A component of platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) venom forms slow- kinetic cation channels

J. I. Kourie*

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    11 Citations (Scopus)


    The lipid bilayer technique is used to examine the biophysical properties of anion and cation channels frequently formed by platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) venom (OaV). The OaV-formed anion channel in 250/50 mm KCl cis/trans has a maximum conductance of 857 ± 23 pS (n = 5) in 250/50 mm KCl cis/trans. The current-voltage relationship of this channel shows strong inward rectification. The channel activity undergoes time- dependent inactivation that can be removed by depolarizing voltage steps more positive than the reversal potential for chloride, E(Cl), (+40 mV). The reversal potential of the OaV-formed slow current activity in 250/50 mm KCl cis/trans is close to the potassium equilibrium potential (E(K)) of-40 mV. The conductance values for the slow channel are 22.5 ± 2.6 pS and 41.38 ± 4.2 pS in 250/50 and 750/50 mm cis/trans, respectively. The gating kinetics of the slow ion channels are voltage-dependent. The channel open probability (P(o)) is between 0.1 and 0.8 at potentials between 0 and +140 mV. The channel frequency (F(o)) increases with depolarizing voltages between 0 and +140 mV, whereas mean open time (T(o)) and mean closed time (T(c)) decrease. Ion substitution experiments of the cis solution show that the channel has conductance values of 21.47 ± 2.3 and 0.53 ± 0.1 pS in 250 mm KCl and choline Cl, respectively. The amplitude of the single channel current is dependent on [K+](cis) and the current reversal potential (E(rev)) responds to increases in [K+](cis) by shifting to more negative voltages. The increase in current amplitude as a function of increasing [K+](cis) can be best described by a third order polynomial fit. At +140 mV, the values of the maximal single channel conductance (γ(max)) and the concentration for half maximal γ (K(s)) are 38.6 pS and 380 mm and decline to 15.76 pS and 250 mM at 0 mV, respectively. The ion selectivity of the channel to K+, Na+, Cs+ and choline+ was determined in ion substitution experiments. The permeability values for PK+:P(Na+):P(Cs)+:P(choline+) were 1:1:0.63:0.089, respectively. On the other hand, the activity of the slow channel was eliminated (Fig. 7B). The slow channel was reversibly inhibited by [TEA+](trans) and the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (K(i)) was ~48 mm.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)37-45
    Number of pages9
    JournalJournal of Membrane Biology
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1999


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