A deterministic model to quantify pathogen loads in drinking water catchments: Pathogen budget for the Wingecarribee

C. M. Ferguson*, B. Croke, N. J. Ashbolt, D. A. Deere

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper describes the development and testing of a mathematical model as a tool to quantify pathogen loads in Sydney's drinking water catchments. It has been used to identify, quantify and prioritise sources of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and E. coli in the Wingecarribee catchment. The pathogen model promotes understanding of the relative significance of different sources of pathogen risks as well as their fate and transport as they move through the subcatchments. This pathogen model not only enables water utility managers to identify those catchment segments that may contribute the highest load of pathogens, but also where management options will be most effective.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)191-197
    Number of pages7
    JournalWater Science and Technology
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


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