A dynamic network model for imbibition

Viet Hoai Nguyen, Adrian P. Sheppard, Mark A. Knackstedt, W. Val Pinczewski

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


A dynamic network model for imbibition based on a physically realistic and mathematically rigorous treatment of the complex dynamics of frontal displacements, film swelling, snap-off and snap-off nucleated displacements is described. Many of the previously reported observations in micro-model displacements, X-ray CT measured saturation profiles in core floods and the competition between frontal displacements and snap-off all arise as a natural consequence of the dynamics of the model. The model is used to study the effect of displacement rate on imbibition patterns, relative permeabilities and residual saturations. The model shows that at very low displacement rates the displacement is dominated by film swelling and snap-off with a displacement pattern similar to bond percolation. Trapping is extensive and relative permeabilities are low. At high displacement rates snap-off is completely suppressed and the displacement pattern is similar to invasion percolation. Trapping is low and relative permeabilities are high.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Event2004 SPE International Petroleum Conference in Mexico - Puebla, Mexico
Duration: 7 Nov 20049 Nov 2004


Conference2004 SPE International Petroleum Conference in Mexico


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