A future agenda for environmental restorative justice?

Miranda Forsyth, Deborah Cleland, Felicity Tepper, Deborah Hollingworth, Milena Soares, Alistair Nairn, Cathy Wilkinson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The challenges of developing meaningful environmental regulation to protect communities and the environment have never been greater. Environmental regulators are regularly criticised for failing to act hard and consistently, in turn leading to demands for harsher punishments and more rigorous enforcement. Whilst acknowledging the need for strong enforcement to address wantonly destructive practices threatening communities and ecosystems, we argue that restorative approaches have an important role. This article explores a future agenda for environmental restorative justice through (1) situating it within existing scholarly and practice-based environmental regulation traditions; (2) identifying key elements and (3) raising particular theoretical and practical challenges. Overall, our vision for environmental restorative justice is that its practices can permeate the entire regulatory spectrum, going far beyond restorative justice conferences within enforcement proceedings. We see it as a shared and inclusive vision that seeks to integrate, hybridise and build broader ownership for environmental restorative justice throughout existing regulatory practices and institutions, rather than creating parallel structures or paradigms. Keywords: restorative justice, restorative practice, environmental justice, environmental regulation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)14-40
    JournalThe International Journal of Restorative Justice
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


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