A Percussion-Focussed Approach to Preserving Touch-Screen Improvisation

Charles Martin*, Henry Gardner

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    Musical performances with touch-screen devices can be recorded by capturing a log of touch interactions. This object can serve as an archive or as a basis for other representations of the musical work. This chapter presents a protocol for recording ensemble touch-screen performances and details the processes for generating visualisations, gestural classifications, and graphical scores from these logs. Our experience of using these new representations to study a series of improvised ensemble performances with iPad-based digital musical instruments leads us to conclude that these new-media artefacts allow unique insights into ensemble interactions, comprehensive archiving of improvised performances, and the potential for re-synthesis into new performances and artworks.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSpringer Series on Cultural Computing
    Number of pages22
    Publication statusPublished - 2016

    Publication series

    NameSpringer Series on Cultural Computing
    ISSN (Print)2195-9056
    ISSN (Electronic)2195-9064


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