A tribute to Michael R. Raupach for contributions to aeolian fluid dynamics

Yaping Shao*, William Nickling, Gilles Bergametti, Harry Butler, Adrian Chappell, Paul Findlater, John Gillies, Masahide Ishizuka, Martina Klose, Jasper F. Kok, John Leys, Hua Lu, Beatrice Marticorena, Grant McTainsh, Cheryl McKenna-Neuman, Gregory S. Okin, Craig Strong, Nicholas Webb

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    27 Citations (Scopus)


    Since the pioneering work of Bagnold in the 1940s, aeolian research has grown to become an integral part of earth-system science. Many individuals have contributed to this development, and Dr. Michael R. Raupach (1950-2015) has played a pivotal role. Raupach worked intensively on wind erosion problems for about a decade (1985-1995), during which time he applied his deep knowledge of turbulence to aeolian research problems and made profound contributions with far-reaching impact. The beauty of Raupach's work lies in his clear conceptual thinking and his ability to reduce complex problems to their bare essentials. The results of his work are fundamentally important and have many practical applications. In this review we reflect on Raupach's contribution to a number of important aspects of aeolian research, summarise developments since his inspirational work and place Raupach's efforts in the context of aeolian science. We also demonstrate how Raupach's work provided a foundation for new developments in aeolian research. In this tribute, we concentrate on five areas of research: (1) drag partition theory; (2) saltation roughness length; (3) saltation bombardment; (4) threshold friction velocity and (5) the carbon cycle.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)37-54
    Number of pages18
    JournalAeolian Research
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2015


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