A tribute to Robert John Porra (august 7, 1931–may 16, 2019)

Wah Soon Chow, Antony W.D. Larkum, Erhard Pfündel, Raymond J. Ritchie, Hugo Scheer*, Åke Strid

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    Robert John Porra (7.8.1931–16.5.2019) is probably best known for his substantial practical contributions to plant physiology and photosynthesis by addressing the problems of both the accurate spectroscopic estimation and the extractability of chlorophylls in many organisms. Physiological data and global productivity estimates, in particular of marine primary productivity, are often quoted on a chlorophyll basis. He also made his impact by work on all stages of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis: he proved the C5 pathway to chlorophylls, detected an alternative route to protoporphyrin in anaerobes and the different origin of the oxygen atoms in anaerobes and aerobes. A brief review of his work is supplemented by personal memories of the authors.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)125-130
    Number of pages6
    JournalPhotosynthesis Research
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


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