Academic perspectives on The Forrest review: creating parity: CAEPR Topical Issue 2/2014

Elise Klein, Julie Lahn, Jon Altman, Nicholas Biddle, Annick Thomassin, Melissa Lovell, Lisa Fowkes, Kirrily Jordan, Boyd Hunter, Shelley Bielefeld, Rob Bray, Janet Hunt, William Arthur, Sean Kerins, Inge Kral

    Research output: Working paperPolicy Paper


    This CAEPR Topical Issue contains the collected works of academics engaged in the examination of The Forrest review: creating parity which was commissioned by the Prime Minister Tony Abbott to examine Indigenous training and employment in Australia. Each work represents the author's considered specialist disciplinary perspective informed by on-the-ground experience. Consequently, this paper provides an overview of the issues and challenges identified by academics as needing to be addressed when thinking about the recommendations of the Forrest Review and the impact they could have on people's lives if implemented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationCanberra
    PublisherAustralian National University
    Number of pages34
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

    Publication series

    NameCAEPR Topical Issue
    PublisherCentre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU

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