Active knowledge graph completion

Pouya Ghiasnezhad Omran, Kerry Taylor, Sergio Rodriguez Mendez, Armin Haller

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Knowledge graphs (KGs) proliferating on theWeb are known to be incomplete. Much research has been proposed for automatic com- pletion, sometimes by rule learning, that scales well. All existing methods learn closed rules. Here we introduce open path (OP) rules and present a novel algorithm, oprl, for learning them. While closed rules are used to complete a KG by answering given queries, OP rules identify the incom- pleteness of a KG by inducing such queries to ask. We use adaptations of Freebase, YAGO2, and a synthetic but complete Poker KG to evaluate oprl. We find that oprl mines hundreds of accurate rules from massive KGs with up to 1M facts. The learnt OP rules induce queries with preci- sion up to 98% and recall of 62% on a complete KG, demonstrating the first solution for active knowledge graph completion.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)89-93
    Number of pages5
    JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
    Publication statusPublished - 2020
    Event19th International Semantic Web Conference on Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice, ISWC-Posters 2020 - Virtual, Online
    Duration: 1 Nov 20206 Nov 2020

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