AllBRICQS: The All-sky BRIght, Complete Quasar Survey

Christopher A. Onken*, Christian Wolf, Wei Jeat Hon, Samuel Lai, Patrick Tisserand, Rachel Webster

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    10 Citations (Scopus)


    We describe the first results from the All-sky BRIght, Complete Quasar Survey (AllBRICQS), which aims to discover the last remaining optically bright quasars. We present 156 spectroscopically confirmed quasars (140 newly identified) having |b| 10°. 152 of the quasars have Gaia DR3 magnitudes brighter than or mag, while four are slightly fainter. The quasars span a redshift range of z =0.07-3.93. In particular, we highlight the properties of J0529-4351 at, which, if unlensed, is one of the most intrinsically luminous quasars in the Universe. The AllBRICQS sources have been selected by combining data from the Gaia and WISE all-sky satellite missions, and we successfully identify quasars not flagged as candidates by Gaia Data Release 3. We expect the completeness to be 96% within our magnitude and latitude limits, while the preliminary results indicate a selection purity of ≈96%. The optical spectroscopy used for source classification will also enable detailed quasar characterisation, including black hole mass measurements and identification of foreground absorption systems. The AllBRICQS sources will greatly enhance the number of quasars available for high-signal-to-noise follow-up with present and future facilities.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere010
    JournalPublications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 2023


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