Alternative physics to understand wall turbulence: Navier-Stokes equations with modified linear dynamics

Adrián Lozano-Durán, Marios Andreas Nikolaidis, Navid C. Constantinou, Michael Karp

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Despite the nonlinear nature of wall turbulence, there is evidence that the energy-injection mechanisms sustaining wall turbulence can be ascribed to linear processes. The different scenarios stem from linear stability theory and comprise exponential instabilities from mean-flow inflection points, transient growth from non-normal operators, and parametric instabilities from temporal mean-flow variations, among others. These mechanisms, each potentially capable of leading to the observed turbulence structure, are rooted in simplified theories and conceptual arguments. Whether the flow follows any or a combination of them remains unclear. In the present study, we devise a collection of numerical experiments in which the Navier-Stokes equations are sensibly modified to quantify the role of the different linear mechanisms. This is achieved by direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flows with constrained energy extraction from the streamwise-averaged mean-flow. We demonstrate that (i) transient growth alone is not sufficient to sustain wall turbulence and (ii) the flow remains turbulent when the exponential instabilities are suppressed. On the other hand, we show that (iii) transient growth combined with the parametric instability of the time-varying mean-flow is able to sustain turbulence.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number012003
    JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2020
    Event4th Madrid Summer School on Turbulence - Madrid, Spain
    Duration: 10 Jun 201912 Jul 2019


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