An expanded role for the mining sector in Australian society?

Thomas G. Measham, Fiona Haslam McKenzie, Kieren Moffat, Daniel M. Franks

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    61 Citations (Scopus)


    Questions over the role of mining in the Australian economy and society have gained increasing public scrutiny in recent years. In this paper we consider whether the role of mining in Australian society has changed with the recent mining boom. The paper draws attention to four key areas. The fi rst is the economics of mining, where a rise in commodity values has made mining more profi table. Mining now dominates Australian exports more than in previous booms. The second area is the scale of mining operations, which have grown substantially, refl ecting unprecedented investment. The third area is the degree to which the effects of resource extraction extend to surrounding areas and distant urban centres through long distance commuting. Finally, we consider the centrality of the mining sector in public life: attention to mining in the media and encroachment on other land uses, and we look for evidence of changes in public acceptance of the sector. In conclusion we argue that the role of the mining sector in Australian society and economy has indeed changed. The changes in terms of trade and the scale of mining have made the resource sector so important in Australia that increased impact in public life is unavoidable.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)184-194
    Number of pages11
    JournalRural Society
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2013


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