Arabidopsis dynamin-like protein DRP1A: A null mutant with widespread defects in endocytosis, cellulose synthesis, cytokinesis, and cell expansion

David A. Collings, Leigh K. Gebbie, Paul A. Howles, Ursula A. Hurley, Rosemary J. Birch, Ann H. Cork, Charles H. Hocart, Tony Arioli, Richard E. Williamson

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    78 Citations (Scopus)


    Dynamin-related proteins are large GTPases that deform and cause fission of membranes. The DRP1 family of Arabidopsis thaliana has five members of which DRP1A, DRP1C, and DRP1E are widely expressed. Likely functions of DRP1A were identified by studying rsw9, a null mutant of the Columbia ecotype that grows continuously but with altered morphology. Mutant roots and hypocotyls are short and swollen, features plausibly originating in their cellulose-deficient walls. The reduction in cellulose is specific since non-cellulosic polysaccharides in rsw9 have more arabinose, xylose, and galactose than those in wild type. Cell plates in rsw9 roots lack DRP1A but still retain DRP1E. Abnormally placed and often incomplete cell walls are preceded by abnormally curved cell plates. Notwithstanding these division abnormalities, roots and stems add new cells at wild-type rates and organ elongation slows because rsw9 cells do not grow as long as wild-type cells. Absence of DRP1A reduces endocytotic uptake of FM4-64 into the cytoplasm of root cells and the hypersensitivity of elongation and radial swelling in rsw9 to the trafficking inhibitor monensin suggests that impaired endocytosis may contribute to the development of shorter fatter roots, probably by reducing cellulose synthesis.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)361-376
    Number of pages16
    JournalJournal of Experimental Botany
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2008


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