Are Faces Special

Elinor McKone*, Rachel Robbins

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    14 Citations (Scopus)


    The question of "Are faces special?" has essentially referred to whether there are unique visual mechanisms for processing identity-related information in faces as compared to other objects. Faces provide unique information about expression, gaze direction, identity, and visual cues to speech. In the literature, however, the debate about whether "faces are special" has referred to the specific question of whether there are special visual processing mechanisms unique to faces, presumably deriving from the social importance of faces and developed either across the course of evolution or the course of childhood. This article provides historical background to the question and presents key theoretical findings and key methodological findings. It reviews literature on an evolved face representation, including studies of newborns, face-deprived monkeys and twins; on configural behavioral processing in object experts; and on neural processing in object novices and object experts including single-unit recording, fMRI, ERPs, TMS, and neuropsychological studies.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationOxford Handbook of Face Perception
    PublisherOxford University Press
    ISBN (Electronic)9780191743672
    ISBN (Print)9780199559053
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2012


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