Artificial-Noise-Aided Transmission in Multi-Antenna Relay Wiretap Channels With Spatially Random Eavesdroppers

Chenxi Liu, Nan Yang, Robert Malaney, Jinhong Yuan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    41 Citations (Scopus)


    We design a new relay-aided secure transmission scheme, in which a source communicates with a destination through a trusted decode-and-forward relay in the presence of spatially random-distributed non-colluding eavesdroppers. We consider a general antenna configuration, in which the source, relay, destination, and eavesdroppers are equipped with multiple antennas. We assume that both the source and the relay transmit artificial noise signals in addition to information signals. We also assume that the source and the relay adopt different codebooks, and that the transmitted signals from the source and relay are not jointly processed at each eavesdropper. We first derive a closed-form expression for the transmission outage probability and a new expression for the secrecy outage probability. Notably, these expressions are valid for an arbitrary number of antennas at the source, relay, and destination. We then derive simple yet valuable expressions for the asymptotic transmission outage probability and the asymptotic secrecy outage probability, which reveal the secrecy performance when the number of antennas at the source grows sufficiently large. Using our expressions, we quantify a practical performance metric, namely, the secrecy throughput, under a secrecy outage probability constraint. We further determine the system and channel parameters that maximize the secrecy throughput, leading to analytical security solutions suitable for real-world deployment.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number7551149
    Pages (from-to)7444-7456
    Number of pages13
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016


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