Asymptotic and near-target direct breakup of Li 6 and Li 7

Sunil Kalkal, E. C. Simpson, D. H. Luong, K. J. Cook, M. Dasgupta, D. J. Hinde, I. P. Carter, D. Y. Jeung, G. Mohanto, C. S. Palshetkar, E. Prasad, D. C. Rafferty, C. Simenel, K. Vo-Phuoc, E. Williams, L. R. Gasques, P. R.S. Gomes, R. Linares

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    37 Citations (Scopus)


    Background: Li6,7 and Be9 are weakly bound against breakup into their cluster constituents. Breakup location is important for determining the role of breakup in above-barrier complete fusion suppression. Recent works have pointed out that experimental observables can be used to separate near-target and asymptotic breakup. Purpose: Our purpose is to distinguish near-target and asymptotic direct breakup of Li6,7 in reactions with nuclei in different mass regions. Method: Charged particle coincidence measurements are carried out with pulsed Li6,7 beams on Ni58 and Zn64 targets at sub-barrier energies and compared with previous measurements using Pb208 and Bi209 targets. A detector array providing a large angular coverage is used, along with time-of-flight information to give definitive particle identification of the direct breakup fragments. Results: In interactions of Li6 with Ni58 and Zn64, direct breakup occurs only asymptotically far away from the target. However, in interactions with Pb208 and Bi209, near-target breakup occurs in addition to asymptotic breakup. Direct breakup of Li7 into α-t is not observed in interactions with Ni58 and Zn64. However, near-target dominated direct breakup was observed in measurements with Pb208 and Bi209. A modified version of the Monte Carlo classical trajectory model code platypus, which explicitly takes into account lifetimes associated with unbound states, is used to simulate sub-barrier breakup reactions. Conclusions: Near-target breakup in interactions with Li6,7 is an important mechanism only for the heavy targets Pb208 and Bi209. There is insignificant near-target direct breakup of Li6 and no direct breakup of Li7 in reactions with Ni58 and Zn64. Therefore, direct breakup is unlikely to suppress the above-barrier fusion cross section in reactions of Li6,7 with Ni58 and Zn64 nuclei.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number044605
    JournalPhysical Review C
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Apr 2016


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