Australian Unity Wellbeing Index Survey #3, Report 3.1: Wellbeing in Australia and the aftermath of September 11

Robert A. Cummins, Richard Eckersley, Julie Pallant, Melanie Davern

    Research output: Working paper


    Wellbeing in Australia has risen over the past year. People’s average level of satisfaction with their own personal lives has risen 1.7 percentage points from 73.5% to 75.2%, while their satisfaction with life in Australia has increased 3.6 percentage points from 57.1% to 60.7%.

    These are the key trend findings of the third survey for the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index, based on telephone interviews with more than 2,000 adult Australians in March 2002. The first survey was conducted in April/May last year, and the second in late September. The Index consists of two values: the Personal Wellbeing Index, which is the average level of satisfaction with seven aspects of people’s personal lives; and the National Wellbeing Index, the average level of satisfaction with six aspects of national life. The values are expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible score.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMelbourne
    PublisherDeakin University
    Number of pages44
    Publication statusPublished - May 2002

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