Automated incisional hernia characterization by non-rigid registration of CT images-A pilot study

Samuel Voß*, Philipp D. Lösel, Vincent Heuveline, Sylvia Saalfeld, Philipp Berg, Friedrich Kallinowski

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Incisional hernia repair makes use of prosthetic meshes to re-establish a biomechanically stable abdominal wall. Mesh sizing and fixation have been found to be essential for the clinical outcome. Comparative CT images a) under rest versus b) under Valsalva maneuver (exhalation against closed airways) provide useful information for hernia characterization. However, this process incorporates several manual measurements, which led to observer variability. The present study suggests using an image registration approach of the CT data to reliably and reproducibly extract hernia quantities. The routine is implemented in the software framework MATLAB and works fully automatic. After CT data import, slice by slice undergo non-rigid B-spline grid registration. Local displacement and strain are extracted from the transformation field. The qualitative results correspond to the clinical observation. Maximum displacement of 3.5 cm and maximum strain of 25 % are calculated for one patient's data set. Current approaches do not provide this type of information. Further research will focus on validation and possibilities to include this new kind of knowledge into the design process of prosthetic meshes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number20203024
JournalCurrent Directions in Biomedical Engineering
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020
Externally publishedYes


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