“Because of HIV, It Opened My Mind”: Intersectional Stigma Experiences Among Filipino Gay and Bisexual Men Living With HIV

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Previous work has demonstrated that gay, bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) living with HIV are likely to experience intersectional stigma. However, mainstream systems often fail to recognize how power and privilege shape this experience. Such a complex psychological phenomenon requires an in-depth reflective inquiry that acknowledges individuals as experts in their own experiences. To explicate this matter, this study aimed to develop an understanding of how intersectional stigma impacts the experiences of GBM living with HIV and to illuminate how contexts (un)fuel inequities. The semi-structured interviews with five Filipino GBM living with HIV were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Exploration of their accounts elucidated how cultural elements fueled power dynamics and privilege, which in turn shaped intersectional stigma and their experiences. Narratives accentuated how Filipino GBM living with HIV situate themselves from victims to agents of change who empower and liberate others in the community. Insights from this study underscore the critical role of collective actions in bridging gaps in inequities and guiding the improvement of policies and interventions that are well-suited to the context and culturally appropriate for people living with HIV and other multiply marginalized populations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalQualitative Health Research
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Nov 2024


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