Bethe ansatz calculations for the eight-vertex model on a finite strip

Murray T. Batchelor*, Michael N. Barber, Paul A. Pearce

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12 Citations (Scopus)


Bethe ansatz equations for the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of the eight-vertex model are solved numerically to yield mass gap data on infinitely long strips of up to 512 sites in width. The finite-size corrections, at criticality, to the free energy per site and polarization gap are found to be in agreement with recent studies of the XXZ spin chain. The leading corrections to the finite-size scaling estimates of the critical line and thermal exponent are also found, providing an explanation of the poor convergence seen in earlier studies. Away from criticality, the linear scaling fields are derived exactly in the full parameter space of the spin system, allowing a thorough test of a recently proposed method of extracting linear scaling fields and related exponents from finite lattice data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1117-1163
Number of pages47
JournalJournal of Statistical Physics
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1987


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