Beyond Consumasia: The neglected challenges


The issue of engaging with Asia raises a question posed by Mahatma Gandhi almost 70 years ago: ‘Which Asia?’ In March 1947, the first major postwar Asian gathering, the Asian Relations Conference, was held in New Delhi to ‘foster mutual contact and understanding’ among the nations of the region. One of the speakers was Gandhi, who addressed the closing session. When first invited to this meeting of representatives from all over Asia, though, Gandhi’s characteristic response had been to pose a question: which Asia, he asked, would be present at the conference (cited in Samaddar 1996: 40). Reading the White Paper on Australia in the Asian Century, I found myself recalling Gandhi’s question. The White Paper’s executive summary begins with a series of ringing declarations
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe social sciences in the Asian century
EditorsC Johnson, V Mackie, T Morris-Suzuki
Place of PublicationCanberra
PublisherANU Press
ISBN (Print)9781925022599
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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