BLOG - Trump and the move away from the sitcom approach to foreign policy

Jeremy Youde

    Research output: Other contribution


    If the United States is Blossom, then Australia is Six. If the United States is Alex P. Keaton, then Australia is Skippy (not this Skippy). These relationships make understanding the recent dust-up between Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister (no, not presidentthough republicanism remains a perenially-debated issue) Malcolm Turnbull (no, not Trumble). Last Saturday, Trump and Turnbull had a phone call. In and of itself, this is not remarkable. Australia is one the US most consistent and long-standing allies. Australia has been the US long-time pal, contributing troops to US-led military missions for years, supporting its various diplomatic initiatives, and going along with its hare-brained schemes like any good best friend would do. What was unexpected was that Trump would accuse Australia of wanting to send the next Boston bombers to the US as part of a deal reached last year for the US to accept 1250 refugees currently being held on Nauru and Manus Island. What was even more unexpected was that Trump, after haranguing Turnbull for 25 minutes, hung up on him and described the call as the worst so far.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherDuck of Minerva
    Place of PublicationOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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