Book Review: Australian Piano Music, 1850-1950: A Guide to the Composers and Repertoire [and] The Music of Meta Overman: Queen of Colour and Fantasy

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This book review assesses two recent publications written by Jeanell Carrigan. The first book is a catalogue of Australian piano music written between 1850 and 1950, while the second is a biography with critical musical analysis of compositions by Meta Overman.

Australian Piano Music, 1850–1950: A Guide to the Composers and Repertoire by Jeanell Carrigan, Wollongong, NSW, Wirripang, 2021, xxxii + 229 pp., ISBN-978-1-87682-978-0 (paperback)

The Music of Meta Overman: Queen of Colour and Fantasy by Jeanell Carrigan, Wollongong, NSW, Wirripang, 2021, xx + 149 pp., ISBN-978-1-87682-977-3 (paperback)
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
JournalMusicology Australia
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 12 Jul 2024


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