Business Communication for the Global Age

Joanna Crossman, Sarbari Bordia, Colleen Mills

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Business Communication for the Global Age is an exciting and innovative text designed to provide an appropriate balance between theory, practice and real-world examples for Business Communication courses at tertiary level. Crossman, Bordia and Mills have combined their extensive teaching and communication-related research experience to create a text that addresses the needs of students and lecturers of contemporary business communication studies. The text provides comprehensive coverage of significant issues such as: diversity, intergenerational communication, spirituality, doing business with indigenous Australians, intercultural communication, online communication, information systems in organisations, the power of discourse in shaping business practices and credible business presentations. With pedagogical features designed to draw on and develop skills in critical thinking/analysis, translating theory to practice, intercultural communication and experiential exercises, Business Communication for the Global Age is a unique, Asia-Pacific text with truly international coverage.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationNorth Ryde NSW
    PublisherMcGraw-Hill Inc
    Number of pages354
    ISBN (Print)9780070140042
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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