Calibrating Star Formation Rate Prescriptions at Different Scales (10 pc-1 kpc) in M31

Neven Tomičić, I. Ting Ho, Kathryn Kreckel, Eva Schinnerer, Adam Leroy, Brent Groves, Karin Sandstrom, Guillermo A. Blanc, Thomas Jarrett, David Thilker, Maria Kapala, Rebecca McElroy

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    10 Citations (Scopus)


    We calibrate commonly used star formation rate (SFR) prescriptions using observations in five kiloparsec-sized fields in the nearby galaxy Andromeda (M31) at 10 pc spatial resolution. Our observations at different scales enable us to resolve the star-forming regions and to distinguish them from non-star-forming components. We use extinction-corrected Hα from optical integral field spectroscopy as our reference tracer and have verified its reliability via tests. It is used to calibrate monochromatic and hybrid (Hα+a×IR and far-UV+b×IR) SFR prescriptions, which use far-UV (GALEX), 22 μm (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer), and 24 μm (MIPS). Additionally, we evaluate other multiwavelength infrared tracers. Our results indicate that the SFR prescriptions do not change (in M31) with spatial scales or with subtraction of the diffuse component. For the calibration factors in the hybrid SFR prescriptions, we find a ≈ 0.2 and b ≈ 22 in M31, which are a factor of 5 higher than in the literature. As the fields in M31 exhibit high attenuation and low dust temperatures, lie at large galactocentric distances, and suffer from high galactic inclination compared to measurements in other galaxies, we propose that the fields probe a dust layer extended along the line of sight that is not directly spatially associated with star-forming regions. This (vertically) extended dust component increases the attenuation and alters the SFR prescriptions in M31 compared to literature measurements. We recommend that SFR prescriptions should be applied with caution at large galactocentric distances and in highly inclined galaxies, due to variations in the relative (vertical) distribution of dust and gas.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number3
    JournalAstrophysical Journal
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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