Calperum Landscape

Wendy Teakel (Creator)

    Research output: Non-textual formPhysical Non-textual work


    A vocabulary of place is drawn from a lifetime of viewing particular sites and the building of physical and emotional attachments to landscapes. The body is implicit in these works. Slow inscriptions of activity within landscapes documenting the pulse and rhythm are recorded through mark and colour. Surfaces are built and eroded using fire and water; palimpsests burned, eroded and patterned like the landscapes they represent. These works explore the Calperum Biosphere on the banks of the Murray.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMelbourne, Victoria
    PublisherCatherine Asquith Galleries
    Size120 x 120cm
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    EventImages of Calperum - Catherine Asquith Galleries, Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 9 Apr 2013 → …


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