Chances and risks of artificial intelligence—a concept of developing and exploiting machine intelligence for future societies

Reinhard Hutter*, Marcus Hutter

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    8 Citations (Scopus)


    Artificial Intelligence (AI): Boon or Bane for societies? AI technologies and solutions—as most revolutionary technologies have done in the past—offer negative implications on the one hand and considerable positive potential on the other. Avoiding the former and fostering the latter will require substantial investments in future societal concepts, research and development, and control of AI-based solutions in AI security while avoiding abuse. Preparation for the future role of AI in societies should strive towards the implementation of related methods and tools for risk management, models of complementary human–machine cooperation, strategies for the optimization of production and administration, and innovative concepts for the distribution of the economic value created. Two extreme possible “end states” of AI impact (if there is ever an end state) that are being discussed at present may manifest as (a) uncontrolled substitution by AI of major aspects of production, services, and administrative and decision-making processes, leading to unprecedented risks such as high unemployment, and devaluation and the underpayment of people in paid work, resulting in inequality in the distribution of wealth and employment, diminishing social peace, social cohesion, solidarity, security, etc., or, on the contrary, (b) the freeing of people from routine labor through increased automation in production, administration and services, and changing the constitution of politics and societies into constituencies with high ethical standards, personal self-determination, and the general dominance of humane principles, as opposed to pure materialism. Any mix of these two extremes could develop, and these combinations may vary among different societies and political systems.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number37
    JournalApplied System Innovation
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021


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