Characteristics of a sexual network of behaviorally bisexual men in Vientiane, Lao PDR, 2010

Caroline van Gemert*, Kongchay Vongsaiya, Chad Hughes, Rebecca Jenkinson, Anna L. Bowring, Amphoy Sihavong, Chansy Phimphachanh, Niramonh Chanlivong, Mike Toole, Margaret Hellard

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    Men who have sex with both men and women (behaviorally bisexual men) may be at increased risk of HIV acquisition and transmission due to risky sexual behaviors. We recruited a sexual network comprised of behaviorally bisexual men and their sexual partners in Vientiane, Lao PDR in 2010 to inform our understanding of the potential for HIV transmission among heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual networks. Participants completed a sexual behavior questionnaire and referred < 5 sexual partners. A total of 298 people were recruited, including 63 behaviorally bisexual men. Behaviorally bisexual men reported riskier sexual behaviors (number of sexual partners in the previous 12 months and consistent condom use) than behaviorally homosexual and heterosexual men. Using social network diagrammatic representation, heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual networks are shown to be interlinked. This study demonstrates that behaviorally bisexual men are potential key drivers of HIV epidemics and require a targeted approach to sexual health promotion.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)232-2343
    Number of pages2112
    JournalAIDS Education and Prevention
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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