Circus & the Avant-Gardes: Between Science and Art

Mirjam Hildbrand, Anna-Sophie Jurgens

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article examines the position of circus within the arts and sciences by exploring the interest of early 20th-century artists in circus phenomena as a source of inspiration for artistic projects and studies and the location of circus as an object of research within the panorama of scholarly disciplines. As the speakers experts from different academic fields, curators and circus practitioners at the second symposium on Circus and the Avant-Gardes (May 2020, University of Bern) examined, (studying) circus and avant-garde connections contributes to a better understanding of the artistic movements from the early 20th century and their cultural legacy, the history of popular entertainment and the cultural relevance of circus arts today. It also clarifies the importance of circus as an object of interdisciplinary and artistic research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Journalw/k: Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst (Between Science and Art)
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


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