Combining Supernova Datasets for Cosmological Measurements

David Rubin, M. Kowalski, S. Perlmutter, G. Aldering, R. Amanullah, K. Barbary, K. S. Dawson, G. Goldhaber, N. Kuznetsova, J. Meyers, D. J. Schlegel, A. L. Spadafora, M. Strovink, N. Suzuki, A. Conley, V. Fadeyev, A. Goobar, I. Hook, C. Lidman, R. PainP. Ruiz-Lapuente, L. Wang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


We present a new approach to analyzing compilations of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), employing new analysis procedures to work with these heterogeneous datasets. A “union” compilation comprising currently available datasets from ground and space-based observations is formed. In addition to previously published SNe, data from a set of low-redshift nearby-Hubble-flow SNe Ia is included. A single, consistent analysis procedure is used for the various SN Ia subsamples and a new procedure is presented for consistently rejecting outliers. The very-high redshift data collected with the Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS instrument have all been reanalyzed to correct for the recently found non-linearity. The full set of refitted lightcurves from this union compilation is used for cosmological parameter estimation, following a blind analysis protocol. Finally, we discuss a new method to include systematic errors in the constraints obtained from the combination of supernova data with the latest WMAP and BAO data.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006


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