Comparative analysis of feature representations and machine learning methods in Android family classification

Yude Bai, Zhenchang Xing, Duoyuan Ma, Xiaohong Li*, Zhiyong Feng

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Citations (Scopus)


    In order to overcome the lasting increase of Android malware, malware family classification, which clusters malware with the same features into one family, has been proposed as an efficient way for malware analysis. Several machine learning based approaches have been proposed for such task of malware family classification. However, due to the adoption of very different features and learning methods in different approaches, it is still an open question to explore: which approach works better for malware family classification? In this paper, we conduct extensive experiments to answer this question. For three widely known Android malware datasets, we design five multi-classification methods for predicting Android malware family. Based on the survey of Android malware analysis literatures and the observation of a large number of Android malware, we construct a set of 250 common features shared by Android malware. And we also collect 16873 documentary features from Android Developer as a comparison. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of transfer learning for adapting the model on three malware datasets on different scales. Our empirical results show that (i) the classification methods perform very closely, with neural network model having marginally better performance (1% to 3% in F1-score), (ii) features contribute most for classification, especially to enhance API features on larger datasets, and (iii) it is model transferable across different malware datasets based on various transfer learning tasks.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number107639
    JournalComputer Networks
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2021


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