Conceptualizing global order in an era of remote warfare

Paul Lushenko, Srinjoy Bose, William Maley

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    The literature on drone warfare has evolved from understanding the proliferation of drones to measuring their effectiveness to studying their normative impacts. The extant scholarship largely fails to address the implications of drone warfare for global order, which is the pattern of relations among states that helps achieve basic social goals such as security, stability, and prosperity. This chapter helps fill this gap by contributing to a new wave of literature. We adopt the English School of International Relations Theory to argue that drone warfare imposes contradictions on the structural and normative pillars of global order. These consist of the hierarchical structure of international society and diffusion of military capabilities, as well as the sovereign equality of states and laws of war. We present a typology of contradictions imposed by drone warfare within and across these axes that threaten the legitimacy of global order. We conclude by outlining the broad structure of the book and offering an overview of the various chapters that explore the complexand sometimes surprisingimpacts of drone warfare on global order.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDrones and Global Order: Implications of Remote Warfare for International Society
    EditorsPaul Lushenko, Srinjoy Bose, William Maley
    Place of PublicationUK
    ISBN (Print)9780367689223
    Publication statusPublished - 2022


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