Counting loopy graphs with given degrees

Catherine Greenhill*, Brendan D. McKay

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    2 Citations (Scopus)


    Let d=(d 1,d 2,⋯,d n) be a vector of nonnegative integers. We study the number of symmetric 0-1 matrices whose row sum vector equals d. While previous work has focussed on the case of zero diagonal, we allow diagonal entries to equal 1. Specifically, for D∈{1,2} we define the set G D(d) of all n×n symmetric 0-1 matrices with row sums given by d, where each diagonal entry is multiplied by D when forming the row sum. We obtain asymptotically precise formulae for |G D(d)| in the sparse range (where, roughly, the maximum row sum is o(n 1/2)), and in the dense range (where, roughly, the average row sum is proportional to n and the row sums do not vary greatly). The case D=1 corresponds to enumeration by the usual row sum of matrices. The case D=2 corresponds to enumeration by degree sequence of undirected graphs with loops but no repeated edges, due to the convention that a loop contributes 2 to the degree of its incident vertex. We also analyse the distribution of the trace of a random element of G D(d), and prove that it is well approximated by a binomial distribution in the dense range, and by a Poisson binomial distribution in the sparse range.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)901-926
    Number of pages26
    JournalLinear Algebra and Its Applications
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2012


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