Decay path measurements for the 2.429 MeV state in Be9: Implications for the astrophysical α+α+n reaction

P. Papka*, T. A.D. Brown, B. R. Fulton, D. L. Watson, S. P. Fox, D. Groombridge, M. Freer, N. M. Clarke, N. I. Ashwood, N. Curtis, V. Ziman, P. McEwan, S. Ahmed, W. N. Catford, D. Mahboub, C. N. Timis, T. D. Baldwin, D. C. Weisser

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    49 Citations (Scopus)


    An experiment was performed at the Australian National University to study the Be9(Li6,Li6)Be9*→α+α+n reaction. This experiment was designed to study the breakup of Be9, in an attempt to quantify the contribution played by the He5+α and 8Be2++n channels for the low lying excited states. This information is required in order to resolve uncertainties in the α+α+n→ Be9 reaction rate in high-energy and neutron-rich astrophysical environments such as supernovae. Angular correlation measurements have been used to deduce that the 2.429 MeV state breaks up almost exclusively via the 8Be2+ channel. This method of identifying the break-up channel resolves the problem of distinguishing between the 8Be2+ and 5Heg.s. channels which are kinetically identical at this excitation energy.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number045803
    JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2007


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