Detection of 75+ pulsation frequencies in the δ Scuti star FG Virginis

M. Breger*, P. Lenz, V. Antoci, E. Guggenberger, R. R. Shobbrook, G. Handler, B. Ngwato, F. Rodler, E. Rodriguez, P. López De Coca, A. Rolland, V. Costa

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    75 Citations (Scopus)


    Extensive photometric multisite campaigns of the δ Scuti variable FG Vir are presented. For the years 2003 and 2004, 926 h of photometry at the millimag precision level were obtained. The combinations with earlier campaigns lead to excellent frequency resolution and high signal/noise. A multifrequency analysis yields 79 frequencies. This represents a new record for this type of star. The modes discovered earlier were confirmed. Pulsation occurs over a wide frequency band from 5.7 to 44.3 c/d with amplitudes of 0.2 mmag or larger. Within this wide band the frequencies are not distributed at random, but tend to cluster in groups. A similar feature is seen in the power spectrum of the residuals after 79 frequencies are prewhitened. This indicates that many additional modes are excited. The interpretation is supported by a histogram of the photometric amplitudes, which shows an increase of modes with small amplitudes. The old question of the "missing modes" may be answered now: the large number of detected frequencies as well as the large number of additional frequencies suggested by the power spectrum of the residuals confirms the theoretical prediction of a large number of excited modes. FG Vir shows a number of frequency combinations of the dominant mode at 12.7162 c/d (m = 0) with other modes of relatively high photometric amplitudes. The amplitudes of the frequency sums are higher than those of the differences. A second mode (20.2878 c/d) also shows combinations. This mode of azimuthal order m = -1 is coupled with two other modes of m = +1.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)955-965
    Number of pages11
    JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - May 2005


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