Determination of angular distributions from the high efficiency solenoidal separator SOLITAIRE

L. T. Bezzina*, E. C. Simpson, D. J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, I. P. Carter, D. C. Rafferty

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    2 Citations (Scopus)


    A novel fusion product separator, based on a gas-filled 8 T superconducting solenoid has been developed at the Australian National University. Though the transmission efficiency of the solenoid is very high, precision cross section measurements require knowledge of the angular distribution of the evaporation residues. A method has been developed to deduce the angular distribution of the evaporation residues from the laboratory-frame velocity distribution of the evaporation residues measured at the exit of the separator. The features of this method are presented, focusing on the example of 34S+89Y which is compared to an independent measurement of the angular distribution. The establishment of this method now allows the novel solenoidal separator to be used to obtain reliable, precision fusion cross-sections.


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