Do morphometric data improve phylogenetic reconstruction? A systematic review and assessment

Emma J. Holvast, Mélina A. Celik, Matthew J. Phillips, Laura A. B. Wilson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Isolating phylogenetic signal from morphological data is crucial for accurately merging fossils into the tree of life and for calibrating molecular dating. However, subjective character definition is a major limitation which can introduce biases that mislead phylogenetic inferences and divergence time estimation. The use of quantitative data, e.g., geometric morphometric (GMM; shape) data can allow for more objective integration of morphological data into phylogenetic inference. This systematic review describes the current state of the field in using continuous morphometric data (e.g., GMM data) for phylogenetic reconstruction and assesses the efficacy of these data compared to discrete characters using the PRISMA-EcoEvo v1.0. reporting guideline, and offers some pathways for approaching this task with GMM data. A comprehensive search string yielded 11,123 phylogenetic studies published in English up to Oct 2023 in the Web of Science database. Title and abstract screening removed 10,975 articles, and full-text screening was performed for 132 articles. Of these, a total of twelve articles met final inclusion criteria and were used for downstream analyses.
Original languageEnglish
Article number127
JournalBMC Ecology and Evolution
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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