Early Modernity as Cosmopolis: Some suggestions from Southeast Asia

Anthony Reid

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Modernity is usually asociated in European historiography with ideas of the nation-state, of the individual, and of secular science. Outside the West these concepts also had an astonishing career, though self-conscious borrowing of an ideological package explicitly labelled 'modern' occurred so vigorously around 1900 as to efface older elements of the package. The scholarly construct 'Early Modern', on the other hand, has been welcomed outside Europe for different reasons. It appears to offer a neutral way of rendering a profoundly important global moment that had for too long been provincialised through Euro-centric terms such as 'Renaissance', 'Age of Discovery", or 'Vasco da Gama Epoch'.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDelimiting modernities: conceptual challenges and regional responses
    EditorsSven Trakulhun and Ralph Weber
    Place of PublicationLanham, Maryland
    PublisherLexington Books
    ISBN (Print)9780739199480
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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