Effect of pressure and light on the spin transition behavior of the dinuclear iron(II) compound [FeII2 (PMAT)2] (BF4)4 · DMF

Ashis Bhattacharjee*, Vadim Ksenofontov, Jonathan A. Kitchen, Nicholas G. White, Sally Brooker, Philipp Gütlich

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35 Citations (Scopus)


We present the results of our investigation into the effects of pressure and light on the high spin→low spin transition behavior of the dinuclear iron(II) compound [FeII2 (PMAT)2] (B F4)4 DMF. It is found that increased pressure favors the stabilization of the system through a transition from the (HS-HS) state to the (HS-LS) state. Interestingly, even under the pressure of 10.3 kbar and low temperatures, there is no evidence of the (LS-LS) form. Irradiation of the (HS-LS) state with light induces a transition from (HS-LS) to a (HS-HS) metastable state. These results underline the role of intermolecular interactions in the stabilization of the dinuclear lattice system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number174104
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes


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