Empirical models for dark matter halos. I. Nonparametric construction of density profiles and comparison with parametric models

David Merritt*, Alister W. Graham, Ben Moore, Jürg Diemand, Balša Terzić

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    479 Citations (Scopus)


    We use techniques from nonparametric function estimation theory to extract the density profiles, and their derivatives, from a set of N-body dark matter halos. We consider halos generated from ΛCDM simulations of gravitational clustering, as well as isolated spherical collapses. The logarithmic density slopes γ ≡ d log ρ/d log r of the ΛCDM halos are found to vary as power laws in radius, reaching values of γ ≈-1 at the innermost resolved radii, ∼10-2rvir. This behavior is significantly different from that of broken-power-law models like the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile but similar to that of models like de Vaucouleurs's. Accordingly, we compare the N-body density profiles with various parametric models to find which provide the best fit. We consider an NFW-like model with arbitrary inner slope; Dehnen & McLaughlin's anisotropic model; Einasto's model (identical in functional form to Sérsic's model but fitted to the space density); and the density model of Prugniel & Simien that was designed to match the deprojected form of Sérsic's R 1/n law. Overall, the best-fitting model to the ΛCDM halos is Einasto's, although the Prugniel-Simien and Dehnen-McLaughlin models also perform well. With regard to the spherical-collapse halos, both the Prugniel-Simien and Einasto models describe the density profiles well, with an rms scatter some 4 times smaller than that obtained with either the NFW-like model or the three-parameter Dehnen-McLaughlin model. Finally, we confirm recent claims of a systematic variation in profile shape with halo mass.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2685-2700
    Number of pages16
    JournalAstronomical Journal
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2006


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