Envelope size tuning for stereo-depth perception of small and large disparities

Clifton M. Schor*, Mark Edwards, Masayuki Sato

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15 Citations (Scopus)


Stereopsis is the sense of depth derived from binocular disparities that are formed between targets that are matched between the two retinal images. Binocular matches for sustained stereopsis are based on similarity of orientation, spatial frequency and contrast of the two retinal images whereas matches for transient stereopsis depend on these parameters to a very limited extent. In this investigation we have tested the possibility that transient stereopsis forms matches between objects of similar overall size. The tuning of sustained and transient stereopsis to contrast-envelope size was investigated by presenting narrow-band Gabor targets of unequal size to the two eyes. Bandwidth for envelope-size tuning was estimated from the range of dichoptic size-differences over which stereo performance remained above chance level. An equal bandwidth of 2 octaves was found for the sustained and transient stereo systems when stimulated with parallel orientation Gabors that subtended a small disparity. Sustained-stereo performance with orthogonal carriers was reduced with large envelope sizes. Bandwidth of the transient stereo system increased to 3 octaves when tested with a larger disparity stimulus and it was independent of carrier orientation. Reducing the contrast of the larger-size Gabor improved transient-stereo performance from near chance (48-58%) to 85-95%. Thus the bandwidth for envelope-size tuning is much broader than indicated with equal physical contrast stimuli. The observed tuning to envelope size, while broad, is tighter than that observed for carrier spatial-frequency [Vis. Res. 38 (1998) 3057], carrier orientation [Vis. Res. 39 (1999) 2717] and contrast polarity [Vis. Res. 39 (1999) 4010] of the stimulus. Thus it would appear that envelope size and, to a greater extent, temporal synchrony of the dichoptic stimuli [Perception 24 (1995) 33] are the primary means for selecting matched binocular inputs for transient stereopsis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2555-2567
Number of pages13
JournalVision Research
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


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