Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Quasifission

Aditya Wakhle

    Research output: Thesis


    The quest to synthesise super heavy elements is at the frontier of nuclear physics research.
    These elements can only be formed by the fusion of two heavy nuclei. The repulsive
    electrostatic energy between such nuclei is extremely large and more often than not j the
    syste1n re-separates pren1aturely into two heavy fragments; intermediate in mass con1pared
    to the original nuclei. This non-equilibrium process is called quasifission. Only occasionally
    does fusion occur resulting in the formation of a compound nucleus.
    Finding the variables determining the competition between quasifission and fusion is
    a problem currently challenging experin1entalists and theoreticians~ The dynamic evolution of the dicnulear system is governed by several degrees of freedom; fluctuations and
    quantun1 properties. A self consistent and reliable calculation of the competition between
    quasifission and fusion is beyond current theoretical capabilities. Prediction of the most
    favorable reactions to form superheavy elementsi thus currently relies on empirical systen1atics. To aid in the de, elopment of a complete self-consistent; realistic and tractable
    1nodel it is important to determine which degrees of freedom are critical in quasifission
    dynamics and what is the dynamical nature of quasifission.
    This thesis addresses this problem by studying reactions forming heavy and superheavy
    elements using experimental and theoretical methods. In total eight reactions with targets
    of 23 U and 232Th were studied experi1nentally. Six reactions were studied in pairs forming
    he same compound nucleus while the two heaviest reactions were betv\ een projectiles of
    4°Ca and targets of 23 U and 232Th. For. he heaviest reaction (4°Ca + 238U) a detailed theoretical stud was also conducted.
    The experimental part of this thesis presents a detailed analysis of the binary fission
    e ents from these reactions. The large angular co erage of the CUBE fission spectrometer was used to obtain wide-ranging ma s-angle distributions for each reaction i at energies spanning the Coulon1b barrier. The results point to the role of shell effects around 20 Pb in
    the n1ass-asyn11netric quasifission exit channel, the pr sence of n1ass-sy1nmetric quasifission
    and t he evolution of the balance between quasifission and fusion with increasing ZpZy .
    The theoretical part of this thesis examined the 4
    °Ca + 23 U reaction within the Ti1ne
    Dependent Hartree Fock (TDHF) 1nodel, using the TDHF3D code. This is the first time
    that the TDHF approach has b een used to extensively study quasifission. The results
    revealed that the orientation of the heavy deformed prolate nucleus plays a 1najor role in
    the reaction outcon1e, in agreement with experi1nent. It was found that aligned collisions
    lead to quasifission and short contact tin1es of 5-10 zs, ·whilst anti- aligned collisions lead
    to longer contact times (> 23 zs) . TDHF accurately predicted the presence of quasifission
    and the average n1ass splits in this reaction. The influence of shell effects around 208Pb
    in the calculated quasifission characteristics was confirmed by an analysis of the neutron
    and proton numbers of the outgoing fr agments.
    These findings are a pron1ising step towards t he forn1ulation of a consistent theoretical
    picture of nuclear reaction dynan1ics of heavy syste1ns.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • The Australian National University
    • Hinde, David, Supervisor
    • Dasgupta, Mahananda, Supervisor
    Award date14 Jan 2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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