Fast gates for ion traps by splitting laser pulses

C. D.B. Bentley*, A. R.R. Carvalho, D. Kielpinski, J. J. Hope

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    18 Citations (Scopus)


    We present a fast phase gate scheme that is experimentally achievable and has an operation time more than two orders of magnitude faster than current experimental schemes for low numbers of pulses. The gate time improves with the number of pulses following an inverse power law. Unlike implemented schemes which excite precise motional sidebands, thus limiting the gate timescale, our scheme excites multiple motional states using discrete ultra-fast pulses.We use beam-splitters to divide pulses into smaller components to overcome limitations due to the finite laser pulse repetition rate. This provides gate times faster than proposed theoretical schemes when we optimize a practical setup.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number043006
    JournalNew Journal of Physics
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2013


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