First excited 12+ state in 9B

T. D. Baldwin*, W. N. Catford, D. Mahboub, C. N. Timis, N. I. Ashwood, N. M. Clarke, N. Curtis, V. Ziman, T. A.D. Brown, S. P. Fox, B. R. Fulton, D. Groombridge, D. L. Watson, V. F.E. Pucknell, D. C. Weisser

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    14 Citations (Scopus)


    Evidence has been found for a broad unbound state near 1 MeV excitation in 9B that is a candidate for the long-disputed 12+ mirror of the unbound 1.68 MeV state in 9Be. Reactions of 6Li+6Li were studied with a 60 MeV beam incident on a 240 μg/cm2 6LiF target. The breakup fragments from the decay of the reaction products were detected in five Si-Si-CsI telescope detectors and the breakup particles were reconstructed using the technique of resonant particle spectroscopy. It is shown that contrary to a previous study, the 12+ is not populated in the reaction 6Li(6Li,t)9B, but that it is populated via the 6Li(6Li,d)10B reaction. The sequential decays of 10B populated the channels 6Li(g.s.)+α, 6Li(2.186 MeV)+α, 8Be+d, and pnαα, with the latter including (9B+n or 9Be+p) decay from 10B. Decays through 9B are identified and show the presence of the 12+ state as a broad asymmetric peak around 0.8-1.0MeV with Γ 1.5 MeV.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number034330
    JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Sept 2012


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