Flatbands under correlated perturbations

Joshua D. Bodyfelt, Daniel Leykam, Carlo Danieli, Xiaoquan Yu, Sergej Flach

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    130 Citations (Scopus)


    Flatband networks are characterized by the coexistence of dispersive and flatbands. Flatbands (FBs) are generated by compact localized eigenstates (CLSs) with local network symmetries, based on destructive interference. Correlated disorder and quasiperiodic potentials hybridize CLSs without additional renormalization, yet with surprising consequences: (i) states are expelled from the FB energy EFB, (ii) the localization length of eigenstates vanishes as ξ∼1/ln(E-EFB), (iii) the density of states diverges logarithmically (particle-hole symmetry) and algebraically (no particle-hole symmetry), and (iv) mobility edge curves show algebraic singularities at EFB. Our analytical results are based on perturbative expansions of the CLSs and supported by numerical data in one and two lattice dimensions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number236403
    JournalPhysical Review Letters
    Issue number23
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2014


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